- Describes a depth/stencil attachment to a render pass.
- Describes the attachments of a render pass.
- Index
State ๐ - Describes an individual channel within a render pass, such as color, depth, or stencil.
- Render
Attachment ๐ - Describes a color attachment to a render pass.
- Describes a depth/stencil attachment to a render pass.
- Describes the attachments of a render pass.
- Error encountered when performing a render pass.
- Render
Pass ๐Info - State ๐
- Vertex
Limits ๐ - Vertex
State ๐
- Describes an attachment location in words.
- Operation to perform to the output attachment at the start of a render pass.
- Optional
State ๐ - Error encountered when performing a render pass.
- Operation to perform to the output attachment at the end of a render pass.
- draw ๐
- draw_
indexed ๐ - execute_
bundle ๐ - insert_
debug_ ๐marker - load_
hal_ ๐ops - multi_
draw_ ๐indirect - pop_
debug_ ๐group - push_
debug_ ๐group - set_
bind_ ๐group - set_
blend_ ๐constant - set_
index_ ๐buffer - set_
pipeline ๐ - set_
push_ ๐constant - set_
scissor ๐ - set_
vertex_ ๐buffer - set_
viewport ๐ - store_
hal_ ๐ops - write_
timestamp ๐
Type Aliasesยง
- Attachment
Data ๐Vec