
Module selection

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Generate SPIR-V conditional structures.

Builders for if structures with ands.

The types in this module track the information needed to emit SPIR-V code for complex conditional structures, like those whose conditions involve short-circuiting ‘and’ and ‘or’ structures. These track labels and can emit OpPhi instructions to merge values produced along different paths.

This currently only supports exactly the forms Naga uses, so it doesn’t support or or else, and only supports zero or one merged values.

Naga needs to emit code roughly like this:

    value = DEFAULT;
    if COND1 && COND2 {
        value = THEN_VALUE;
    // use value

Assuming ctx and block are a mutable references to a BlockContext and the current Block, and merge_type is the SPIR-V type for the merged value value, we can build SPIR-V for the code above like so:

    let cond = Selection::start(block, merge_type);
        // ... compute `cond1` ...
    cond.if_true(ctx, cond1, DEFAULT);
        // ... compute `cond2` ...
    cond.if_true(ctx, cond2, DEFAULT);
        // ... compute THEN_VALUE
    let merged_value = cond.finish(ctx, THEN_VALUE);

After this, merged_value is either DEFAULT or THEN_VALUE, depending on the path by which the merged block was reached.

This takes care of writing all branch instructions, including an OpSelectionMerge annotation in the header block; starting new blocks and assigning them labels; and emitting the OpPhi that gathers together the right sources for the merged values, for every path through the selection construct.

When there is no merged value to produce, you can pass () for merge_type and the merge values. In this case no OpPhi instructions are produced, and the finish method returns ().

To enforce proper nesting, a Selection takes ownership of the &mut Block pointer for the duration of its lifetime. To obtain the block for generating code in the selection’s body, call the Selection::block method.


  • Selection 🔒
    A private struct recording what we know about the selection construct so far.


  • MergeTuple 🔒
    A trait to help Selection manage any number of merged values.