1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249
//! Utility structures and functions that are built on top of the main `wgpu` API.
//! Nothing in this module is a part of the WebGPU API specification;
//! they are unique to the `wgpu` library.
mod belt;
mod device;
mod encoder;
mod init;
mod texture_blitter;
use alloc::{borrow::Cow, format, string::String, sync::Arc, vec};
use core::ptr::copy_nonoverlapping;
pub use belt::StagingBelt;
pub use device::{BufferInitDescriptor, DeviceExt};
pub use encoder::RenderEncoder;
pub use init::*;
#[cfg(feature = "wgsl")]
pub use texture_blitter::{TextureBlitter, TextureBlitterBuilder};
pub use wgt::{
math::*, DispatchIndirectArgs, DrawIndexedIndirectArgs, DrawIndirectArgs, TextureDataOrder,
use crate::dispatch;
/// Treat the given byte slice as a SPIR-V module.
/// # Panic
/// This function panics if:
/// - Input length isn't multiple of 4
/// - Input is longer than [`usize::MAX`]
/// - Input is empty
/// - SPIR-V magic number is missing from beginning of stream
#[cfg(feature = "spirv")]
pub fn make_spirv(data: &[u8]) -> super::ShaderSource<'_> {
/// Version of make_spirv intended for use with [`Device::create_shader_module_spirv`].
/// Returns raw slice instead of ShaderSource.
/// [`Device::create_shader_module_spirv`]: crate::Device::create_shader_module_spirv
pub fn make_spirv_raw(data: &[u8]) -> Cow<'_, [u32]> {
const MAGIC_NUMBER: u32 = 0x0723_0203;
data.len() % size_of::<u32>(),
"data size is not a multiple of 4"
assert_ne!(data.len(), 0, "data size must be larger than zero");
// If the data happens to be aligned, directly use the byte array,
// otherwise copy the byte array in an owned vector and use that instead.
let mut words = if data.as_ptr().align_offset(align_of::<u32>()) == 0 {
let (pre, words, post) = unsafe { data.align_to::<u32>() };
} else {
let mut words = vec![0u32; data.len() / size_of::<u32>()];
unsafe {
copy_nonoverlapping(data.as_ptr(), words.as_mut_ptr() as *mut u8, data.len());
// Before checking if the data starts with the magic, check if it starts
// with the magic in non-native endianness, own & swap the data if so.
if words[0] == MAGIC_NUMBER.swap_bytes() {
for word in Cow::to_mut(&mut words) {
*word = word.swap_bytes();
words[0], MAGIC_NUMBER,
"wrong magic word {:x}. Make sure you are using a binary SPIRV file.",
/// CPU accessible buffer used to download data back from the GPU.
pub struct DownloadBuffer {
_gpu_buffer: Arc<super::Buffer>,
mapped_range: dispatch::DispatchBufferMappedRange,
impl DownloadBuffer {
/// Asynchronously read the contents of a buffer.
pub fn read_buffer(
device: &super::Device,
queue: &super::Queue,
buffer: &super::BufferSlice<'_>,
callback: impl FnOnce(Result<Self, super::BufferAsyncError>) + Send + 'static,
) {
let size = match buffer.size {
Some(size) => size.into(),
None => buffer.buffer.map_context.lock().total_size - buffer.offset,
let download = Arc::new(device.create_buffer(&super::BufferDescriptor {
usage: super::BufferUsages::COPY_DST | super::BufferUsages::MAP_READ,
mapped_at_creation: false,
label: None,
let mut encoder =
device.create_command_encoder(&super::CommandEncoderDescriptor { label: None });
encoder.copy_buffer_to_buffer(buffer.buffer, buffer.offset, &download, 0, size);
let command_buffer: super::CommandBuffer = encoder.finish();
.map_async(super::MapMode::Read, move |result| {
if let Err(e) = result {
let mapped_range = download.inner.get_mapped_range(0..size);
callback(Ok(Self {
_gpu_buffer: download,
impl core::ops::Deref for DownloadBuffer {
type Target = [u8];
fn deref(&self) -> &[u8] {
/// A recommended key for storing [`PipelineCache`]s for the adapter
/// associated with the given [`AdapterInfo`](wgt::AdapterInfo)
/// This key will define a class of adapters for which the same cache
/// might be valid.
/// If this returns `None`, the adapter doesn't support [`PipelineCache`].
/// This may be because the API doesn't support application managed caches
/// (such as browser WebGPU), or that `wgpu` hasn't implemented it for
/// that API yet.
/// This key could be used as a filename, as seen in the example below.
/// # Examples
/// ```no_run
/// # use std::path::PathBuf;
/// use wgpu::PipelineCacheDescriptor;
/// # let adapter_info = todo!();
/// # let device: wgpu::Device = todo!();
/// let cache_dir: PathBuf = unimplemented!("Some reasonable platform-specific cache directory for your app.");
/// let filename = wgpu::util::pipeline_cache_key(&adapter_info);
/// let (pipeline_cache, cache_file) = if let Some(filename) = filename {
/// let cache_path = cache_dir.join(&filename);
/// // If we failed to read the cache, for whatever reason, treat the data as lost.
/// // In a real app, we'd probably avoid caching entirely unless the error was "file not found".
/// let cache_data = std::fs::read(&cache_path).ok();
/// let pipeline_cache = unsafe {
/// device.create_pipeline_cache(&PipelineCacheDescriptor {
/// data: cache_data.as_deref(),
/// label: None,
/// fallback: true
/// })
/// };
/// (Some(pipeline_cache), Some(cache_path))
/// } else {
/// (None, None)
/// };
/// // Run pipeline initialisation, making sure to set the `cache`
/// // fields of your `*PipelineDescriptor` to `pipeline_cache`
/// // And then save the resulting cache (probably off the main thread).
/// if let (Some(pipeline_cache), Some(cache_file)) = (pipeline_cache, cache_file) {
/// let data = pipeline_cache.get_data();
/// if let Some(data) = data {
/// let temp_file = cache_file.with_extension("temp");
/// std::fs::write(&temp_file, &data)?;
/// std::fs::rename(&temp_file, &cache_file)?;
/// }
/// }
/// # Ok::<_, std::io::Error>(())
/// ```
/// [`PipelineCache`]: super::PipelineCache
pub fn pipeline_cache_key(adapter_info: &wgt::AdapterInfo) -> Option<String> {
match adapter_info.backend {
wgt::Backend::Vulkan => Some(format!(
// The vendor/device should uniquely define a driver
// We/the driver will also later validate that the vendor/device and driver
// version match, which may lead to clearing an outdated
// cache for the same device.
adapter_info.vendor, adapter_info.device
_ => None,
/// Adds extra conversion functions to `TextureFormat`.
pub trait TextureFormatExt {
/// Finds the [`TextureFormat`](wgt::TextureFormat) corresponding to the given
/// [`StorageFormat`](wgc::naga::StorageFormat).
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use wgpu::util::TextureFormatExt;
/// assert_eq!(wgpu::TextureFormat::from_storage_format(wgpu::naga::StorageFormat::Bgra8Unorm), wgpu::TextureFormat::Bgra8Unorm);
/// ```
fn from_storage_format(storage_format: crate::naga::StorageFormat) -> Self;
/// Finds the [`StorageFormat`](wgc::naga::StorageFormat) corresponding to the given [`TextureFormat`](wgt::TextureFormat).
/// Returns `None` if there is no matching storage format,
/// which typically indicates this format is not supported
/// for storage textures.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use wgpu::util::TextureFormatExt;
/// assert_eq!(wgpu::TextureFormat::Bgra8Unorm.to_storage_format(), Some(wgpu::naga::StorageFormat::Bgra8Unorm));
/// ```
fn to_storage_format(&self) -> Option<crate::naga::StorageFormat>;
impl TextureFormatExt for wgt::TextureFormat {
fn from_storage_format(storage_format: crate::naga::StorageFormat) -> Self {
fn to_storage_format(&self) -> Option<crate::naga::StorageFormat> {