1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109
//! Convenience macros
/// Macro to produce an array of [`VertexAttribute`](crate::VertexAttribute).
/// Output has type: `[VertexAttribute; _]`. Usage is as follows:
/// ```
/// # use wgpu::vertex_attr_array;
/// let attrs = vertex_attr_array![0 => Float32x2, 1 => Float32, 2 => Uint16x4];
/// ```
/// This example specifies a list of three [`VertexAttribute`](crate::VertexAttribute),
/// each with the given `shader_location` and `format`.
/// Offsets are calculated automatically.
macro_rules! vertex_attr_array {
($($loc:expr => $fmt:ident),* $(,)?) => {
$crate::vertex_attr_array!([] ; 0; $($loc => $fmt ,)*)
([$($t:expr,)*] ; $off:expr ;) => { [$($t,)*] };
([$($t:expr,)*] ; $off:expr ; $loc:expr => $item:ident, $($ll:expr => $ii:ident ,)*) => {
$crate::VertexAttribute {
format: $crate::VertexFormat :: $item,
offset: $off,
shader_location: $loc,
$off + $crate::VertexFormat :: $item.size();
$($ll => $ii ,)*
fn test_vertex_attr_array() {
let attrs = vertex_attr_array![0 => Float32x2, 3 => Uint16x4];
// VertexAttribute does not support PartialEq, so we cannot test directly
assert_eq!(attrs.len(), 2);
assert_eq!(attrs[0].offset, 0);
assert_eq!(attrs[0].shader_location, 0);
assert_eq!(attrs[1].offset, size_of::<(f32, f32)>() as u64);
assert_eq!(attrs[1].shader_location, 3);
/// Macro to load a SPIR-V module statically.
/// It ensures the word alignment as well as the magic number.
/// Return type: [`crate::ShaderModuleDescriptor`]
#[cfg(feature = "spirv")]
macro_rules! include_spirv {
($($token:tt)*) => {
//log::info!("including '{}'", $($token)*);
$crate::ShaderModuleDescriptor {
label: Some($($token)*),
source: $crate::util::make_spirv(include_bytes!($($token)*)),
/// Macro to load raw SPIR-V data statically, for use with [`Features::SPIRV_SHADER_PASSTHROUGH`].
/// It ensures the word alignment as well as the magic number.
macro_rules! include_spirv_raw {
($($token:tt)*) => {
//log::info!("including '{}'", $($token)*);
$crate::ShaderModuleDescriptorSpirV {
label: $crate::__macro_helpers::Some($($token)*),
source: $crate::util::make_spirv_raw($crate::__macro_helpers::include_bytes!($($token)*)),
/// Load WGSL source code from a file at compile time.
/// The loaded path is relative to the path of the file containing the macro call, in the same way
/// as [`include_str!`] operates.
/// ```ignore
/// fn main() {
/// let module: ShaderModuleDescriptor = include_wgsl!("shader.wgsl");
/// }
/// ```
macro_rules! include_wgsl {
($($token:tt)*) => {
//log::info!("including '{}'", $($token)*);
$crate::ShaderModuleDescriptor {
label: $crate::__macro_helpers::Some($($token)*),
source: $crate::ShaderSource::Wgsl($crate::__macro_helpers::Cow::Borrowed($crate::__macro_helpers::include_str!($($token)*))),
pub mod helpers {
pub use alloc::borrow::Cow;
pub use core::{include_bytes, include_str};
pub use Some;